
Borrowed Time
Have you ever wished for just a little more time? A chance to savour a moment just a little longer than its brief passing? Countless experiences come to mind where I've wished for time to stop so I could appreciate and take in just a little more of what ever life had miraculously offered in a...

Desperation, Inspiration & Motivation
Desperation. Inspiration. Motivation. I love each of these feelings or experiences like a close sibling or a favourite pair of jeans that you've had forever. These differing feelings drive me, ignite action and help me get where I want to go - in every aspect of my life. They push me forward....

Curiosity, Compassion, Creativity & Kitchen Counter Dancing
Curiosity, Creativity, Compassion and Kitchen Counter Dancing. Over the past several months, we have all experienced tremendous change, uncertainty and probably, a great deal of stress. I’ve been observing the world within me, surrounding me and globally with open eyes, an open heart and an...

Finding Inspiration
I can remember the day as if it were yesterday. It was an extremely rainy Sunday on the May-long weekend back in 2002. It was my first-ever bike ride of the Ironman loop down in Penticton, while training for my first Ironman, taking place in August of that year. I was nervous. Scared. Unsure. And...

Stay In The Questions
It has been an ever-evolving situation the past week and our world continues to be in flux with no end in sight. Like many of you, I am asking myself a lot of questions right now and answers don't come easy. Most answers don't come at all. Life is uncomfortable. Challenging. And stressful. (A...

NOW Is That Time
If there was ever a time to think of others, to help one another and stop naval gazing – NOW is that time. Like most of you, I was in the grocery store a few days ago what I experienced was visceral. I saw what you saw – empty shelves where toilet paper, canned goods, pasta and cleaning supplies...

Low On Expectations ~ High On Hopes
I am the first person to admit that I’ve got some pretty high expectations when it comes to certain areas of my life. For anyone who knows me, you know….the longer the run – the better! The bigger the idea – the more I am interested! The more challenging a project or task – the more excited I...

Make The Leap
Have you ever been stuck, immobilized or paralyzed with fear? Have you ever found yourself unable to move in one direction or another or to make the leap towards a goal, dream or direction you would like to go? The word ‘leap’ came into my life recently, both literally and figuratively. A friend...

Random Acts of Kindness
National Random Acts of Kindness Day is February 17th, 2020, fittingly sharing the same date as Family Day 2020 in Canada!

For the women who are trying to do and be everything for everyone.
I watch you trying in vain to please everyone but yourself. I see you bending over backwards, wrought and weary with stress, contorting your being into impossible shapes in an attempt to do everything. To be everything, so perfectly. And then suffering silently because of it. I watch you race to...
“The greatest discovery in life is self-discovery.
Until you find yourself, you will always be someone else.
Become yourself.”