Divinity, illuminated.
Tonight, I witnessed something that I’ll remember and cherish for a very, very long time.
I witnessed the Divine at work, illuminating a light so bright, it was blinding. Beautiful. Remarkable.
Yes, tonight I had the privilege and honour of witnessing the Universe, God or Divine (or any title you prefer) at work. It gave me hope for our collective future. Hope for all of humanity. Hope for our own community. And hope within me.
As I lay in on my yoga mat, surrounded by a multitude of others – all breathing in unison, with only the dlim light of candles flickering on the window ledges, and the warm air gently touching my skin, I experienced something remarkable and I could hardly wait to get home to capture some of the moments into words so they would not be forgotten. For what I witnessed, what I experienced, was a gift that was, and is, truly too good to keep for myself. May you find a small part of yourself on your yoga mat, alongside me in the following moments and may these words give you hope – for humanity, for our community and most of all, for yourself.
She said, “Listen for the whisper in your heart.”
In the silence, with just the sound of beating hearts and breathing, I listened.
How often do we stop and listen? How often do we slow down long enough to hear the whispers from within? How often are our ears muffled by the layers of stress, anxiety, busy-ness, worries, to-do lists, obligations, state-of-the-world fears, financial burdens and more…making the whispers inaudible?
As I lay with one hand over my heart and the other over my centre, I heard the whispers from my heart. A blend of seemingly random messages; “Think bigger.” it said. “Surround yourself with the right people, right now. Worry less. Consistency is the key to everything. Be more intentional. Focus on what you can influence. Forgive them, for they are doing their best. This will be your best year yet.”
One of the whispers, I’ve heard before and have been honouring over the past year is; “Surround yourself with the right people, right now.” I’m not sure about you but my heart has been longing for collaboration, connection, and community – with other inspiring, creative, fabulous people – who, like me, want to bring their dreams to life and laugh (a lot) along the way! I’ve also been yearning for and searching for mentorship, for influence.
By the grace of God, I’m finding it. Or it’s finding me. I’m not sure which.
One of the beautiful human beings I’ve surrounded myself with is Melanie. Last weekend, Mel and I created the most amazing collaboration. She and I hosted a DIVA Retreat for a group of incredible women to go on a journey to “Discover their Inner Voice through Adventures of the body, mind and spirit (hence the name, DIVA). We spent the evening laughing, connecting with our goals and dreams for 2022, with one another and with our breath. The connection, friendship and laughter was something to be celebrated – along with each and every extraordinary diva who attended! The Divine was present on this evening, too. I felt it. In myself. And I saw it in every woman in the room.
Tonight was the same. I clearly saw the Divine in our yoga teacher, as she shared her thoughts, ideas, reflections and wisdom. Some of the things I scrambled to write down as I got to my car, are here….Perhaps they may be words you need to hear.
Remember what you have forgotten – remember your absolute perfection. Breathe deeply. Breathe deeply and fall into that.
Allow yourself to be supported. Here, on the mat, and everywhere. I use blocks – in almost all poses. To allow my body to be supported. It’s OK to be supported. It’s OK to ask for support. And maybe if I practise asking for support here, on the mat, I just might be able to do the same out in the world.
It’s time for unity. It’s time to be in community.
Enjoy that sweet taste of letting go what doesn’t serve you. (Read. That. Again.)
All of these wise words shared by our yoga teacher tonight were filled with power and vulnerability, in such a way that every soul in the room would be nourished as needed.
As I lay on my own mat, I could hear the person next to me breathing, crying, overcome with emotion. Overcome with letting go of what didn’t serve her. Her ability to be vulnerable and to let go reflected the possibility – the ability – to be vulnerable, myself. To allow myself to be even more vulnerable (in my heart and out in the world) and to let go….Just a little more. Of what doesn’t serve me.
Could you let go of what doesn’t serve you? Just a little?
In that moment, I realized the connectedness of how the Universe works. For the woman next to me was being used by the Universe – a gift for me – just as the yoga teacher was being used by the Universe – a gift for her. I can only pray that I am being used by the Universe, in some small way, for someone reading this. May we all find our way through the present moment – feeling just a little more connected to one another and to something Greater. May we all feel a sense of community. And may we all collaborate and more forward together in a way that serves the greater good and our own higher good. The time is now to connect, to be in community and to collaborate. On the mat – and off.
As if all of this wasn’t enough, nearing the end of the yoga class, as I lay grounded on my mat in shavasana, our yoga teacher began to sing a meditation. Her voice filled the room, with a depth of power that reached into the soul of every being in the room, and with a weightlessness that could be heard among the stars. I’ve never been to a yoga class quite like this. Ever. Her voice washed over me like the sweat on my skin, cleansing my worries away, leaving my hopes shining brightly underneath. As she stood in her light, she brought forth the light in each of us.
Yes, tonight was a divine illumination of exactly what my body, mind and spirit needed most. It was blinding. Beautiful. Remarkable.
What I witnessed was profound. In our yoga teacher, I clearly saw and felt her Divinity, illuminated.
Perhaps 2022 could be an opportunity to not only be present to the Divine illumination of all things but to also be Divinity, illuminated. It’s time to let your light shine. Now, more than ever. Humanity needs each of us to step up. To step into our own light. And to shine. Brightly.
Thank you Kylie and Modo Yoga – for who you are and the difference you make in this world.
Listen for the whispers.
Remember what you have forgotten – remember your absolute perfection. Breathe deeply. Breathe deeply and fall into that.
Enjoy that sweet taste of letting go what doesn’t serve you.
Namaste (The light in me honours the light in you).
Please visit Modo Yoga Kelowna if you are looking to expand your yoga practise. I’ve been attending their yoga classes on and off for a decade. Their team and space will welcome you and honour the Divinity in you, illuminated. Find them here: Pranify Yoga Kelowna