In the current global situation, Crystal has moved her speeches, programs and workshops to an online/virtual format where she continues to captivate, inspire and encourage her clients to accomplish so much more than they thought possible. Crystal is available to serve your organization on a virtual basis and will strive to help you and your team thrive during these unprecedented times.
Keynotes & Workshops
From Success to Significance
From Success to Significance is about shifting the focus of our career and lives from success and money to creating a more meaningful difference at work (with colleagues, clients, and customers) and in life (with family, loved ones, and our communities). Audience members will discover how to start with themselves first in order to pivot from a focus on success and the achievement of goals to a much larger and purpose-driven path of significance.
In this inspiring and interactive keynote presentation and/or workshop, Crystal will share strategies and tools that the audience can immediately apply at work and in their personal lives to achieve greater results, personal fulfilment, and gain an increased level of self-discovery and self-awareness.
Moving From Success to Significance will help audiences to increase productivity at work, bring more joy and happiness on a daily basis, and ultimately provide a road map on how to become not only the best in the world but also the best for the world.
Audience takeaway:
- Focus on yourself first and create a bigger “why”
- Discover your gifts, talents, and ultimate purpose
- Create a road map at work and in your personal life
- Learn how to create an abundant life with a greater fulfillment
Audience gifts:
- Workbook or postcards
- Inspirational rings for keychain or necklace
- Crystal glass prisms
- Books, prizes, and other items thoughtfully chosen for each audience
Collaboration and the Extraordinary Power of Teamwork
Collaboration and the Extraordinary Power of Teamwork is about discovering how the best teams, businesses, and organizations function. We’ll cover why others struggle, how to enable our own teams to collaborate, work together, and create exponential results. Audience members will also discover the secrets to increase collaboration, improve communication, reduce conflict, and have more fun within their team environments.
In this inspiring and interactive keynote presentation and/or workshop , Crystal will share strategies and tools that the audience can immediately apply within their own organizations and team environments to improve productivity, enhance communication, work together more cohesively, and meet objectives more easily.
Collaboration and the Extraordinary Power of Teamwork will empower individuals and teams with greater self-awareness, ability to work better together, bring out the best in one another’s talents, and achieve extraordinary results.
Audience takeaway:
- Awareness of how the best teams and organizations function and how to bring these strategies to your own organization
- Discover secrets to increase collaboration, communication, and reduce conflict among team members
- Learn how to improve productivity, accountability, and respect within a team
- Create a more positive work environment and ultimately improved results
Audience gifts:
- Workbook or postcards
- Inspirational rings for keychain or necklace
- Crystal glass prisms
- Books, prizes, and other items thoughtfully chosen for each audience
How to Create a Ripple Effect
Every person on the planet is unique, here to create an impact, and make a difference in the world. Organizations have the possibility to also be unique, not only to make a profit and serve their customers, but also to create an impact on a larger scale.
In this customized keynote presentation and/or workshop, Crystal will guide participants to discover their innate gifts, talents, and ultimate purpose. On an organizational level, participants will discover how they may serve their customers, clients, and colleagues in a much deeper way. She will share stories, wisdom, and action plans on how each of us may create a movement that could indeed change the world.
Crystal pinpoints the unique struggles that people and organizations are facing and directs the conversation to how we can move away from a focus on the bottom line to something that’s bigger (ie: social responsibility, team efficiency and productivity, community involvement, etc). Participants will learn how to use their position as a vehicle to create positive change on a much bigger scale.
Participants will tap into what’s important to them, connecting to their higher calling, and gaining direction on how to create a positive ripple effect in their own lives, communities, and organizations.
Audience takeaway:
- Tap into greater self-discovery and self-awareness via tools and activities
- Learn how to create a more meaningful connection with clients, customers, and colleagues
- Find your significant purpose and meaning at work
- Positively impact your bottom line when impacting your community
Audience gifts:
- Workbook or postcards
- Inspirational rings for keychain or necklace
- Crystal glass prisms
- Books, prizes, and other items thoughtfully chosen for each audience
What If? Why Not? When?
Achieve greater success in business and create the life you deserve
In this highly interactive, humorous, and customized keynote presentation and/or workshop, Crystal will share insights and ideas to help audience members get out of their own way, stop sabotaging themselves, and equip them with a new perspective to help them get results faster and easier, all while having more fun.
The presentation will ask the following 10 Questions and go into greater depth, with information and interaction for each one.
10 Questions To Ask Yourself:
- What do you need to STOP doing?
- What if…
- What are your gifts, talents and ultimate purpose?
- Why?
- Who do you know?
- How could you serve or help others?
- Why not?
- What could you learn here?
- What are you grateful for?
- When?
This talk is best for anyone wanting to get out of their own way, achieve greater results, and live the life they’ve always dreamt of. It’s for independent professionals, entrepreneurs, managers, HR, women’s groups, and organizations wanting to empower their team to realize their potential.
Participants will leave with greater self-awareness about what has been holding them back, how to overcome it, and ways to amplify their success.
Audience takeaway:
- Tap into greater self-discovery and self-awareness of your personal behaviors and attitudes that either support or sabotage your results
- Increase your passion, motivation, and clarity
- Develop a solid road map towards achieving specific goals and aspirations
- Create a bigger picture vision of the life you want to lead
Audience gifts:
- Flip book highlighting the 10 questions
- Workbook or postcards
- Inspirational rings for keychain or necklace
- Crystal glass prisms
- Books, prizes, and other items thoughtfully chosen for each audience
Not Crazy, After All
Tangible tips to navigate through chronic illness and health challenges to get your life (and sanity) back
In this raw and vulnerable keynote presentation and/or workshop, Crystal shares some of her greatest health challenges, including chronic illness, freak accidents, shattered bones, and broken dreams.
She will also share how we can pick up the pieces of our lives, create new meaning from these darkest moments, and use them to propel our lives forward in wonderful, amazing, and profound ways.
This talk is based on the notion that “one day, you will tell your story of how you’ve overcome what you’re going through now, and it will become part of someone else’s survival guide.”
This talk would greatly benefit support groups, charities, conferences with a focus on chronic illness, and fundraising events, looking to empower their audience so they don’t give into victimhood, find the ability to see things from a different perspective, learn how to get into action, and develop deeper meaning from their experience.
Participants will leave with strategies and techniques to navigate through challenges they may be facing in order to get their lives back, find hope, and regain balance during difficult times.
Audience takeaway:
- Create meaning and purpose from even the worst situations
- Develop a more positive perspective and frame of reference
- Move forward when you can’t go back
- Gain tools for stress reduction, increased relaxation, calming worries, and finding hope
Audience gifts:
- Workbook or postcards
- Inspirational rings for keychain or necklace
- Crystal glass prisms
- Books, prizes, and other items thoughtfully chosen for each audience
Put Your Health and Yourself First
10 Ways To Get & Stay Healthy, Keep Fit, Reduce Stress, and Feel Great
If you are looking for ways to improve your health, reduce stress, and feel better, this presentation is for you. With a passion for health, Crystal has spent decades reading, researching, and focusing on health and longevity.
This keynote presentation and/or workshop is perfect for organizations who want to inspire and empower their teams towards greater health, administrative professionals who spend long hours at their desks, anyone working in an office, health care professionals who put their own health last, and independent professionals or entrepreneurs who don’t think they have time to focus on their health.
This informative and entertaining keynote and/or workshop is filled with science-backed information and inspiring stories to help audience members get motivated, and take action to put their health first and feel great!
Audience takeaway:
- Discover simple steps to change your life and improve your health
- Gain resources on health, nutrition, and exercise
- Receive goal-setting worksheets and tools
- Feel motivated with a clear 30-day action plan
Audience gifts:
- An exercise band to erase any excuses you may have, along with instructions
- Health compilation* (101 Ideas About Health, Nutrition, and Exercise)
- Inspirational rings for keychain or necklace
- Crystal glass prisms
- Books, prizes, and other items thoughtfully chosen for each audience
* If budget allows
Do Yourself A Favour And Stop Trying So Hard
For all women out there trying to be everything, do everything, and feel ‘good enough’
This inspiring and empowering keynote presentation and/or workshop is for female audiences and women who work so hard to juggle all of life’s commitments including children, family, relationships, career, taking care of the home, their health, trying to get fit, or stay fit while all other expectations and judgments are bestowed upon them.
This keynote and/or workshop was born from an article that Crystal wrote by the same title, which has been viewed and shared on social media more than 20,000 times! It is filled with truths and wisdom that all women know but may have forgotten. Women will be reminded to put themselves first, to pause, and to remember that they are enough in every way.
Audience members will leave feeling empowered and inspired, with renewed clarity and focus regarding their own goals, aspirations and dreams. Audience members will also create a framework to support the notion that we are no good to anyone in our lives, unless we put on the oxygen mask first.
Audience takeaway:
- Self-discovery and awareness of what truly makes you happy and feel inspired
- Analysis of self-sabotage, self-sacrifice, and self-neglect – why we do it and how to stop
- Worksheets and action plans to support personal objectives
- Downloadable workbook to create a 90-Day Plan towards simplifying life, reducing stress, and increasing joy on a daily basis
Audience gifts:
- Workbook or postcards
- Inspirational rings for keychain or necklace
- Crystal glass prisms
- Books, prizes, and other items thoughtfully chosen for each audience
Life and Business Mastery For Independent Professionals & Business Owners
Life and Business Mastery is about designing your business so that it serves you rather than being a servant to it. It’s also about designing your life in the same way. This thought-provoking keynote presentation and/or workshop will turn conventional assumptions about business and life upside down and inspire audiences to reach greater levels of success and fulfilment by becoming more powerful and empowered leaders in their business and life.
Crystal has spent over 20 years as a business owner, running her own businesses, in addition to working with Community Futures Development Corporation and the Business Development Bank of Canada (BDC) as a consultant and instructor. With this extensive experience, Crystal will share strategies, tools, and ideas that the audience members can immediately apply in their businesses and lives to reach greater levels of success, wealth, and mastery.
Life and Business Mastery will help audiences to increase their bottom line, provide a greater level of customer service, become more impactful leaders, create more free time in their lives, and be more motivated and inspired on a daily basis.
Audience takeaway:
- How to increase your bottom line and make more money
- Provide a greater level of service to clients
- Become a more empowered and powerful leader
- Create a life and business that serves you rather than being a servant to it
Audience gifts:
- Workbook or postcards
- Inspirational rings for keychain or necklace
- Crystal glass prisms
- Books, prizes, and other items thoughtfully chosen for each audience
From success to significance
In this inspiring TEDx Talk, Crystal shares 4 strategies to create a ripple effect in life, business, and the world. You will also learn about your ultimate purpose, innate gifts and talents, and how to make your why bigger to achieve your dreams.
Crystal’s Photos & Logo Downloads

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