World Gratitude Day is TODAY!
Today is World Gratitude Day!
Yes, it’s true…every day is a day to be grateful! And I agree. But there’s something special about having a dedicated day to celebrate something – anything – big or small. Like Thanksgiving, Random Act of Kindness Day (February 17) or birthdays…there should always be a reason to celebrate, surprise a loved one (or stranger), eat cake and make a wish or two!
Today is a lovely reminder for me to cherish the things that matter most in life. I’m not sure what you hold in high regard, but here’s a few of the things that matter to me…
- Family (real or chosen)
- Friends (life-long kinds of friends where just being ‘you’ is not only enough, it’s so highly valued)
- Good health (truly a blessing)
- The opportunity to use our gifts and talents (Imagine the difference made in the world!)
- To love and be loved (to the core)
- Freedom and autonomy
- Spirituality (whatever you believe in)
- Living with ease and not too much stress
- Beloved pets (such unconditional love)
- Laughter (truly the best medicine)
- Living with a sense of fulfilment (Imagine that!)
For me, these are some of the things I cherish and value most in life and am extremely grateful for (the beyond words kind of grateful!).
I woke up this morning to a message from one of the most special people I know, that simply said, “I just heard that today is your day – World Gratitude Day! I am grateful for you, my friend. Have a great day!” The thoughtfulness of my friend almost brought me to tears and to my knees in gratitude. I feel so incredibly blessed to have friends in life where we just pick up where we left off, even if that was yesterday or ages ago, and where we can call anytime, day or night, to share some really great news or sad news, just the same.
My wish for anyone reading this is that you have at least one really good friend that you can call at any time for any reason, who is your confidant, your cheerleader, your partner in crime, your voice of reason and when you say, “We’re going on an adventure.“, they don’t say, “Where are we going?” but instead, “What time do we leave?”. If you don’t have a friend like that – give me a ring. I may not be a voice of reason (Just look at the crazy stuff I get up to. Besides, I’m more of a big picture thinker than a detail sort of person), but I’ll be your cheerleader and help you turn up the dial on your brilliant light!
Because, seriously – your light is brighter than the sun – and catching a glimpse of that is something the rest of us should be grateful for!
So, why should we practise gratitude?
Gratitude is often explained as mindfulness, appreciation and the awareness of the of blessings that one has in life…. whether it be in the form of tangible objects or intangible things, people in our lives or opportunities and experiences we embark upon. Having an attitude of gratitude regarding just about anything in our lives is an interesting thought. Gratitude really does change everything – for the better! No matter what we’re grateful for, there’s probably more than a million health benefits of gratitude. And that’s enough for me to want to add more of it into my life – not just today, but every day!
Taking a moment to reflect in this very moment, I feel overwhelmingly grateful. I’ve got a cat sleeping in my lap, a big mug of hot water beside me, some delish home-made almond flour cookies within reach, the sun gleaming in through the windows and a feeling of hope permeating my being. I just got off the phone with one of my greatest mentors who seems to believe in me enough for the both of us. There’s more projects, ideas and dreams on my Dream Board than I could possibly have time for over the next 45 years. Seriously. I feel lucky to have been invited by a girlfriend to get together tonight with a group of gals (to catch up, laugh and drink wine) and I wake up next to someone who routinely says, “Knock that shit out of the park today, Babe! You’re amazing.”
It’s true – I am on-my-knees grateful for my entire life and everything in it. I gotta say, though, that it was not always this way. I’ve been through so much in the past number of years, from health issues (I had Lyme Disease) to career instability because of the Covid restrictions and measures to relationship struggles. I used to go to this bench way out on the Greenway and it was my one safe place where I could sit and cry. I still pass by it sometimes and sit and cry – just different sorts of tears.
Life has a way of working out even though when we’re in the middle of it all, it may not seem like that could be possible. Being grateful, even during the tough times, has been hard for me but when I do find a way to be that way, to live that way, things always get better. And they feel better, too.
A concept that I often share as gifts and use in my own life is the idea of a Gratitude Jar. You just take a jar, maybe wrap a ribbon around it if you want, grab some sticky notes or colourful paper and a pen. Then, every day, jot down something you are grateful for. At the end of the year, or at Christmas, the greatest gift under the tree would be to open the jar and read all the things you wrote down, all the things you were grateful for throughout the year! Truly a remarkable experience if want to give it a try! Another idea to bring more gratitude into each day that I absolutely love is The 5 Minute Journal. Find it HERE. It’s not only a game-changer, it’s a life-changer! Trust me.
So, on this day, and every day – may we all reach out to a friend when we need. (My contact info is on my website, if you’re needing someone to remind you of your magnificence!) May we find small and big moments in every day to be grateful. May we laugh. And may we find ourselves helping one another to not only survive and thrive, but to bring to life all that we are dreaming of and hoping for!
Happy World Gratitude Day.
If you’re wanting to find ways to bring more gratitude into your business, organization or life, please reach out! Creating a culture of gratitude can enhance a workplace, improve morale, increase productivity and profits and so much more! If you’re looking for a little more fulfilment on a daily basis or simply want more out of your life, I promise you, I’ve got a few ideas and tools that will be a fit.
If you’re interested, please check out our upcoming DIVA Retreat in Bucerias, Mexico January 24-29, 2023. I’d be grateful to share this 5 night inspiration-yoga-philanthropy retreat with you! Find out more HERE.
PS: If you’re interested, here’s how World Gratitude Day began:
The idea to celebrate World Gratitude Day came first in 1965 during a Thanksgiving dinner in the meditation room of the United Nations building. Sri Chinmoy, an Indian spiritual leader, and meditation teacher, suggested a day of gratitude that the whole world could celebrate together. With that, each member present decided to hold a gratitude gathering each year in their country on September 21.
Then, in 1977 a group that ran the meditation room requested a resolution that would give recognition for World Gratitude Day. This happened at the New York Headquarters during a special ceremony that honoured Sri Chinmoy for his work. Ever since then, World Gratitude Day has been observed annually worldwide on September 21st.
Crystal Flaman is an international keynote speaker and social entrepreneur, inspiring you to discover your dreams and the difference you can create in the world. Anything is possible. Everything is possible. Believe in your dreams. Do what you love and be fearlessly you.
If you would like to learn more information about this topic or to have Crystal share this message with your team, in person or on a virtual platform, please contact Crystal. Thank you. phone: 250-215-2903 (cell) or 778-477-0100 (on the rotary dial land-line)