How To Make 2024 Your Best Year Yet
With the dawning of a new year upon us, it's a perfect time to reflect on the past, ponder the future and perhaps, think about the question, "How could we make 2024 our best year yet?" We are well into January now and long past the invigorating and hopeful beginning of a brand new year, a time...
Please Listen For The Whisper Please
As the new year began a few months ago, I asked myself, "What would it take to make 2023 my best year yet?" I spent some time journalling, thinking, daydreaming, connecting with friends and chatting with my partner about this question and the blessing of a brand new year. I also got a little more...
Today is Blue Monday
Today is Blue Monday! January 16th, 2023. For those of you who may not know what exactly Blue Monday's the third Monday of January and is said to be the gloomiest, most depressing day of the year. Why, you ask? Well, the festivities and parties surrounding Christmas, the holiday season...
World Gratitude Day is TODAY!
Today is World Gratitude Day! Yes, it's true...every day is a day to be grateful! And I agree. But there's something special about having a dedicated day to celebrate something - anything - big or small. Like Thanksgiving, Random Act of Kindness Day (February 17) or birthdays...there should...
When you want something…and all the Universe conspires to helping you to achieve it!
Have you ever wanted something so much that you dreamed of it, thought about it constantly, wished for it or even prayed for it to come into existence? I know I have... It could be a new job or opportunity or experience to be had. Or maybe something more tangible - like building your dream home,...
100 Kilometres To Say 100 Thank you’s
March 9th is a date I will remember forever. Every year, for the past 4 years, on March 9th, I say thank you to Dr. Bridge - the surgeon who repaired my foot and gave me my life back - by lacing up my runners, getting outside, whispering countless 'thank you's' and feeling immense gratitude,...
Hang out with people who make you better, brighter, and braver.
Better. Brighter. And Braver. I want to start off with a very special thank you to the people in my world who truly make me better, brighter and braver. I am forever grateful to you for your presence in my life and for the difference you make - not just in my life but also in the world! What...
Trust. Try something New. And take up a little more room!
Well, she's still here...and she is still running the show! Yes, I'm talking about Maya, one of my two beloved, spoiled, gorgeous and adorable Maine Coon cats! Over 19 months ago, Maya's health was failing and we received the news that her condition was terminal. The vet said, we would be lucky if...
Divinity, illuminated.
Tonight, I witnessed something that I'll remember and cherish for a very, very long time. I witnessed the Divine at work, illuminating a light so bright, it was blinding. Beautiful. Remarkable. Yes, tonight I had the privilege and honour of witnessing the Universe, God or Divine (or any title you...
What Matters Most
At this time of year, as autumn turns into winter, I try to create a little space and time for myself to slow down, reflect on the year, plan for the next one and think about what matters most in life. It’s been a tradition for years and I love the opportunity to wrap up in a blanket and...
“The greatest discovery in life is self-discovery.
Until you find yourself, you will always be someone else.
Become yourself.”